Some of the best village ramparts in France
In the interests of full disclosure I have to own up that I am writing this under Lockdown in January 2021! I have decided that it is high time I brought Bertie’s blog up to date and I filled in the dates between arriving in Douglas in October 2017 and leaving on our Big Winter Bumble in October 2019. That is two years of missing Bertie Travels. I have our daily log that Eileen maintains which tells me where we were when and I have all the photographs – whether I can remember where each photo was taken is another matter but bear with me!
Back to Isle of Man on Friday 6th October 2017: We had a lazy day around Douglas and at Nobles Park on Friday as we fettled Bertie and did some housekeeping. In the afternoon we walked down to the Sefton Hotel on the promenade to meet up with Alison and Owen after their arrival on the ferry. Our daughter and son-in-law and baby William have are joining us for a few days and especially for my sister’s 50th wedding anniversary dinner this evening.
On Saturday after a late start we left Nobles Park and drove west across the Island to Peel with its magnificent castle across the bay.

After an hour so exploring Peel Castle, I loved this place as a child and a visit here was an important part of the trip whenever the family came across to see my sister who moved to the Isle of Man when she married in 1977! After the Castle we walked across the causeway back in to the town to visit the House of Manannan – this immersive historical attraction is fairly recent and built since our last visit to the Island. It is all about the Celtic, Viking and Maritime Heritage of the Island is well worth a few hours.
From Peel we drove a few miles north along the coast road to a nice layby (Search for Sites I think) which was well off the road but with great sea views. Alison and Owen drove over from Douglas we had a great evening on Bertie playing canasta.